Transforming your financial fears into a life full of joy

I’ve been diving deep into financial fear this week… because mine got triggered big time  through an event that was totally beyond my control.


My scarcity button was stuck in the on position and that never feels good. I couldn’t sleep, my  heart was racing and I ate a whole family-sized bag of Lay’s potato chips in a few days. You  know that big bag you get at BJ’s? Yep… gone.


So I analyzed what was happening for me (cuz I wanted to feel better)…


How could I flip the switch from a scarcity mindset into embracing a life filled with joy,  abundance, and peace?


My mindset was in the crapper.


I found that awareness was the answer…


…and that’s where I began to heal the pain of scarcity.


The Power of Mindset

Our mindset is simply how we think about things… and our mindset shapes our reality—whether true or imagined. When we view our lives through a lens of  scarcity, it’s like walking through a world painted in shades of dark gray or black. However, the first step toward color and vibrancy begins in the heart and mind.


Shifting to an abundance mindset transforms not only our financial situation but our entire  outlook on life.


Here’s how we can begin the journey…


Embrace Gratitude  

Gratitude is our most powerful tool in this transformation. Start each day by counting your  blessings, no matter how small. This practice shifts your focus from what you lack to the  abundance that already exists in your life, paving the way for more to come.


Visualize Abundance  

Visualization is not mere daydreaming; it’s a tool for creating the life you desire. Spend a few  moments each day picturing your life filled with joy and abundance. What does it look like?  How does it feel? This clarity will guide your actions and attract opportunities.


Cultivate Generosity  

Generosity breeds abundance. By giving, we affirm our belief in abundance and our ability to  contribute to others’ happiness. It need not be financial; your time, skills, and kindness are  equally valuable currencies.


Educate Yourself  

Knowledge is a beacon in the journey from fear to freedom. Seek out resources, workshops,  and mentors who align with the principles of joy and abundance. Understanding your finances  empowers you to make decisions from a place of strength, not fear.


Celebrate Progress  

Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Celebrate your progress towards a joy filled life. These celebrations reinforce the belief in abundance and the power of positive  change.


Connect with Like-Minded Souls  

We all crave connection. If you can, surround yourself with people who embody the joy and  abundance you seek. Their perspectives, stories, and support can be incredibly uplifting and  motivating.


Take Inspired Action  

Action is the bridge between dreams and reality. Let your vision of abundance inspire actions  that feel joyful and fulfilling. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination.


This week I did all of these things and I feel better. My inspired action was a letter that  embraced loved, connection and wholeheartedness, yet spoke my truth.


As we all move forward, before you grab a bag of chips, a drink, or whatever soothes you when you’re having a financial panic attack, let’s remember that shifting from scarcity to abundance is not just about improving our financial situation but about enriching our entire life experience.


It’s about moving from fear to love, from restriction to expansion, and from alone to together.


We are on this journey together, and I am here to support you every step of the way. Let’s  embrace the joy, abundance, and boundless possibilities that await us…


…and kick that scarcity to the curb

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