Transformational Journey

Yep, I’m talking about values and money again…


Here’s why…


I’ve seen firsthand with my clients that a huge transformation happens when they connect what they care about with their money.


They start to really build wealth, and they feel amazing on the inside!


Who doesn’t want that?


Imagine if every financial decision you made reflected what truly matters to you.


Do you value sustainability? You might choose to invest in green energy companies or purchase eco-friendly products.


If family is super important, you could prioritize saving for a family vacation or contributing to a college fund for your children.


Each value-driven financial decision, whether big or small, would be a way to “put your money where your mouth is” and align your money with your deepest beliefs and priorities.


These decisions are the “how” of aligning money with your core values.


When you put these types of decisions in place, you’re building a relationship with you, your values, and your money.


(Like it or not, you are in a relationship with money. We all are. So best take charge and make it a good one.)


Like in any relationship, when honesty, responsibility, connection, integrity, fairness, accountability, and ethical behavior guide your choices…


… you build a relationship of trust, integrity, and confidence. And that feels really good.


So, how do you know when you’ve successfully connected your values to your money?


Here are some clear signs:


  • Inner Peace: You feel a sense of calm and satisfaction, knowing your financial choices reflect your highest self. This inner peace comes from the harmony between your inner self-talk and your actions. 


  • Confidence: You begin to trust your financial decisions. They are consistently rooted in your core values. You make choices with clarity and certainty, and that always feels good.


  •  Fulfillment: You experience joy and contentment, not only from financial gain but from the integrity of your choices. You feel happy and joyous on the inside.


  • Consistency: Your financial actions consistently reflect your values, creating a stable and trustworthy financial life, and building true financial freedom.


  • Positive Impact: Your financial decisions positively affect your life—you travel more, love the food you’re eating, and spend time with people you want to be with.


These are all visible signs that your money is connected to what matters most to you.


I always know when what I value is at play with my money because I feel a great big YES! on the inside.


So, I really, really, really encourage you to take a deeper dive into the connection between your values, and your money, and determine how you can make a big impact on that relationship, to make a huge difference in your life.


This connection of money & values has transformed my life, as well as the lives of my clients who’ve taken the time to dive in.


It’s given all of us a new confidence that we never had before,


This connection has enhanced our well-being and strengthened our relationships with ourselves.


For me…


The connection continues to help me every day…


To build an impactful and meaningful life.


That is constantly feeling YES!


And I know you can have that YES! life too.

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