The Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple

Oscar Wilde

Let’s face it, the truth most of us tell ourselves about money is never simple.


Our inner money dialog is all mucked up with self worth, self efficacy, self doubt… even if we’ve done absolutely everything right.


The tricky bit here is that no one talks about their money. Think about that.


In order to help resolve underlying issues as human beings we need other human beings to tell us how they do it. What works for them, how they screwed up and where they succeeded.


It’s our connection to others’ experiences makes our own easier, less daunting, it takes the sting out of our perceived mistakes and lack of planning.


Ultimately we feel safer and more at peace when we know we are not alone….


So, how do we begin the money dialog and why do we want to do it?


Did you just cringe a little when you read this? That’s okay… me too and I’ve had lots of practice.


Over the next few weeks, I will be devoting my posts on how we begin the dialog and explore the connection to each other around money.


If you have questions, suggestions, what worked for you please feel free to comment below or PM me. I’d love to connect.


In Wealth,
