3 Simple Steps to Overcome Fear and Take Control of Your Money

Life can sometimes feel like a whirlwind, especially when unexpected events like a divorce, job change, or sudden financial shifts come into play.


It’s normal to feel a bit lost or overwhelmed when it comes to managing your finances, especially if you’re handling things on your own for the first time.


You may be asking yourself things like:


  • I know I need outside help, but who do I trust enough to ask? 
  • If I ask for help, will I look stupid? 
  • Why don’t I already know how to manage money? Everybody I know already does! 


Here’s the thing…


Even people like me who manage money for a living—ask for help!


We don’t do money alone.


We all have a team to help guide our choices—to confirm whether we’re on the right track or need to pivot.


So if you’re feeling sheepish about reaching out for financial support?


Imagine this:


Reaching out for help can be a big, positive step that can totally catapult you forward. Not just with your money, but with building the life of your dreams.


So how do you start?


Here are three simple steps to overcome that fear and take control of your money…


Recognize That Needing Help Is Normal


It’s important to know that needing help is completely normal and a smart move. Many people feel like they should have it all figured out, but the truth is, financial planning can be complex and overwhelming. Acknowledging that it’s okay to seek support is the first step to breaking down the barriers to reaching out.


Understand What You Want to Achieve


Before making the call, take a moment to think about what you want to do with your money. Is it gaining control over your spending, planning for the future, or simply getting a clear picture of where you stand? Identifying your goals will help make the conversation more focused and reassuring, giving you a clear starting point.


Don’t worry if you don’t have it all figured out, it’s just a starting point. Money always changes, and so will your goals.


Know That It’s Just a Conversation


The idea of discussing finances with someone can feel intimidating, but remember, it’s just a conversation. There’s no need for fear or embarrassment—everyone starts somewhere. The goal is to provide a supportive space where you can ask questions, express concerns, and find a path forward. Think of it as chatting with a friend who has the expertise to guide you.


If you don’t feel comfortable with the finances person after this conversation? Try someone else. Don’t ever sign up with a financial person you’re not comfortable with.


No matter where you are on your financial journey, know that taking even the smallest step forward is a victory.


If you’ve been asking, “How do I get help?” You’ve already shown incredible strength by considering this change.


Each step you take from here is a step toward greater clarity, confidence, and peace of mind.


Keep moving forward, and remember that you don’t have to do it alone—support is always available when you’re ready.


Ready to take that first step and ask for help?


Do it!


And I’d love to help…


Read below for a one-time special offer… that expires soon… and spaces are limited. Let’s face it…


Life is better when we’re not doing it alone.


Especially when it comes to our money.

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