Shifting the Internal Needle from Financial Panic to Peace of Mind

Financial panic, financial peace, financial fear

Ever have one of those days where you wake up and it’s all about the money?     It’s showing up as the negative self-talk or the harsh internal dialogue that makes you anxious, nervous  or even scared.   You second-guess all the money decisions you’ve made your whole life that have led you to  the […]

How to Tame Financial Fear

Financial fear, when ignored, can have a negative impact not only on our financial life, but on our health and, most definitely, on our peace of mind.   So how do we calm, or settle that financial fear down?   First, acknowledge that you have financial fear. This sounds like a simple step, like duh, […]

Holistic Financial Coaching: The Process – Part Two

Holistic Financial Coaching Part 2 The Process     In today’s Western medicine, the treatment of illness, the “cure,” focuses on the illness itself – the symptoms, how it hurts, its pain points.   When treating an illness holistically, we look to the root of the illness, rather than the symptom itself.   In the […]

Money Basics: A New Year and a Fresh Start

New Year’s… a new start.   The beginning of a new year is always a wonderful opportunity to reassess different areas of our lives. To see how things are going now based on looking back at the choices we’ve made over the last year. This is true especially with your money and financial goals…   […]

Budget: A Six Letter Bad Word? Why We Avoid and Even Hate Them

Whenever I think of the word budget and actually do one for my own personal finances, honestly my first thoughts are that I would rather step in a pile of dog poo or get a root canal. Really… I’m not kidding. Full disclosure: I have been in the accounting field, owning my own practice, for […]

Financial Fear for Women: What does it look like and how do we get rid of it?

My dear friend Molly always says when she’s having emotional difficulty, “Ohhhh… it’s a feeling, get it off of me!”   Well, I’ve found in my practice that most women feel the same way about money. They’re afraid.    For most of these women, their money and finances have attached to them a feeling of […]