For more than 30 years, I’ve worked with people and money.
Starting out as a single mom and bookkeeper, I went back to school to become a tax preparer, tax strategist and financial consultant. I then started my own business and for over 30 years I’ve worked with a wide range of clients – some wildly wealthy others deeply in debt – and found that, regardless of their financial status, my clients came to me burdened with financial anxiety and feelings of failure. Why? It boils down to our view of money.
Our money, from birth to death, is the longest most impactful relationship we will ever have. If you think about it, our money touches everything.
Most of us fail to see what money is really about—supporting and enriching our human experience. Our society’s drive to amass wealth without regard for people and the planet has not delivered the fulfillment we seek. On the contrary,our skewed view of money contributes to intense global suffering. With that perspective, I launched Infinite Assets to help people heal their troubled relationships with money. I work to redirect the tide, so we can finally make our money a financial achievement, a success, and also a collective force for good.
I’ve found many parallels between my practice as a yoga instructor and my role as a financial counselor. I expand my methods based on what my clients need. I may harness meditation and storytelling to help my clients to connect to their deeper self and tap their intuition. I may walk them through relaxation and breathing exercises to overcome fear and stress. Together, we examine the personal history and triggers that feed negative money habits. We work through an honest assessment of their finances, and then build a new plan founded on hope, purpose and meaning.
This process involves the whole human being. Since I love to learn—and I am also fascinated by the human body and how it works—I’ve completed trainings and certifications in both positive psychology and holistic health. When needed, I integrate these trainings into our sessions.
I relish my role in helping people view their money in a new and exciting light. I love to see my clients leave my space feeling enlightened, empowered, and physically brighter. I find fulfillment in the healing that follows—for individuals, families, communities, and the planet.